GitHub Public Repository Statistics

GitHub Public Repository Statistics

Live Version The Data The data is obtained through GitHub’s Rest API using bearer tokens.  GitHub’s API has strict rate limits when not using authorisation credentials of some sort. A few of the paginated calls would not be possible on the larger...
Custom Icons and Conditional Formatting Measures

Custom Icons and Conditional Formatting Measures

Custom Icons You can add custom icons to any table or matrix visual in Power BI in a few easy steps.  First we need to edit the JSON theme. Open the JSON theme file with some form of text editor like Notepad++ and add code like the example here: The JSON code {...
Monthly Sales Dashboard

Monthly Sales Dashboard

Live Version The Data Twelve months’ worth of demo sales data over 2 years. Bit of data cleaning required. With only 12 months of data, I decided to do a monthly sales dashboard. I had seen widgets on a demo dashboard not built with Power BI and I wanted to see...
UK Police & Crime Dashboard

UK Police & Crime Dashboard

Live Version The Data I decided I would like to create some reports based on data provided by Data.Police.UK There are many ways to obtain data from this site including CSV archives and API calls. For this project I just selected the full date range data dump option...