My Work

A GitHub Public Repository Report

A selection of repository and  contributor reports that can be connected to any public GitHub repository using paginated API endpoints and bearer tokens.

A Police Street Crime Comparer and Stop & Search Statistics Dashboard.

The police crime data spans three years and is obtained in CSV files from each force separated into three categories for each month of the three years. This amounts to over 4,500+ CSV files (7Gb of data). Python (with a few imported libraries including pandas and sqlalchemy) is used as an ETL tool to take the CSV files and clean and group the data before inserting into an SQL Server Database. Power Query is then used to further mould the data for the visuals. The end result is a pbix file of around 250Mb holding around 35 million rows of data.

Monthly Sale Report

Random demo sales data spanning 12 months over a two years. Placed into a monthly sale report to test some Power BI visuals with layering and bookmarks.  The widgets take a bit of work to get right.